With recent mommy-nursing-events, I have discovered some not so fabulous facts. Facts that once I read, saw for myself, I felt horrible; horribly misinformed and totally naive to the mass medical advice given via the world wide web. About a month ago, I began taking a herbal supplement, fenugreek, to increase my milk supply (nursing baby number 2:)) I wasn't as to concerned that my supply was low, but as my pumping production while at work was. Instead of listening to my body, calming down and NOT working while I pumped, I started googling and decided I would try an over the counter supplement. I even contacted the Le Leche League for assistance. EVERYTHING I read encouraged the use of fenugreek, going as far as recommended daily dosage amounts. All legit websites.
Fast forward to now, and after taking my seriously sick, vomiting baby back and forth to the doctor, I was told fenugreek was NOT ADVISED to take with lactation. Surprised, I argued back and explained the literature I read/was given, backing up its safety, positive effects on milk production. My sweet doctor decided to show me what her medical factual read. "fenugreek adverse effects: allergic reaction, asthma, diarrhea, hypoglycemia, wheezing and loss of consciousness in peds." ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I was shocked! Shocked that I had been taking it for several weeks, shocked of the side effects and shocked that the world, well the ones who rely heavily on internet medical knowledge are TOTALLY mislead...hell the International Breastfeeding Association advised fenugreek.
Needless to say, I stopped taking it. And I hope all that read this, that are taking it or have mommy friends that take it, STOP! A HUGE breastfeeding advocate, I was completely bothered by my findings. Breastfeeding has so many benefits for momma and baby; my heart hurt that misinformed mommies and myself, could be passing along harmful additives without even knowing it!
I shared this with one of my best friends, who at the time was taking it. Her baby was also having extreme belly issues. As a mom of two, nurse and breastfeeding pro, she was just as floored! (she has now stopped!)
From what I have learned and what I believe, even more now, a mommy's body makes exactly what your baby needs...no need to intervene. I'm leaving tonight with a fabulous article I found on one of my favorite blogs. Nursing mommies, this will make you proud:)