Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Calloway family update

It’s been a while since my last post…particularly because my days just fly bye WAY to quick and by the time I have a free minute, I realize that my sight’s only focus is the back of my eye lids!  I totally…and always have…brought on my busyness.  I have always thrived on a constant go thrived with a busy schedule.  My husband used to joke that I never sat down…I didn’t then….and I for sure do not now.  The last year or so I have filled my cup to the brim and at the end of the day, even with utter exhaustion, its worth every second.  The newest addition to our family, 13 week old Essie, has brought a new meaning to busy.  I was warned and like my mom says “You wanted them”; I can’t help to think I have created my madness.  I say this knowing it’s a “blessing, most valuable, priceless, and loved” madness.  I have been tested every day since she has been born.  Newborns have no schedules, nursing occurs around the clock, my husband travels for weeks at a time, sicknesses are brought home from babies at daycare, sickness sprouts from other sicknesses, my ten month old puppy has grown to the size of a horse (yeah…another addition to the family that probably would have been a better decision at a later date, but who could tell me that), maternity leave comes to an end, the sun still sets and the world still turns.  There have been days of excitement and days I’ve cried till my whole face is puffy.  But guess what…I’M STILL HERE…I MADEIT!!.  The first week my husband traveled for work, I high tailed it to my Momma’s house for help.  I thought it was going to be impossible to handle a 17 month old and a newborn alone.  It wasn’t, and in fact, my first week back to work my husband had another work trip and I survived.  I anticipated that week for weeks.  At the end, when my husband returned, I felt on top of the world.  I felt like supermom.   As if my life wasn’t crazy enough, I myself, have battled sickness after sickness (mastitis, migraines from the raging hormones and sinus infection after sinus infection). 

With all the chaos I have learned (well I still have to remind myself daily) to take in these moments…remember this is what I wanted and thank the lord for what he has given me.  One minute I’m thinking… “is it time to put the babies to sleep yet?” and the next I’m thinking…”sitting in the floor, playing with trains can last all night…I’m having too much fun”.  My emotions are all over the place.  Pregnant with Essie, I thought this is it, no more babies for this girl…and at my post baby check-up I left somewhat sad thinking it was probably the last time I would make that type of visit.

Life is busy…here’s what we have been up to!
1.        As a family (including my mom and dad), celebrated my very best friend’s wedding in Greenville, SC.  Another “best day of my life”.
2.       Watched my 19 month learn new words (my favorite lately is “pretty”), say two word sentences, new tasks (jumping on the trampoline, going to the potty, and acting out songs like “the itsy bitsy spider”) and bounce off every wall possible.  Totally the wildest child…just like his momma!
3.       Watched our sweet Essie roll over, smile and SLEEP!  Extremely thankful that I have a child who likes sleep:) Crew still doesn’t!
4.       Waved farewell to Daddy (Jarret) as he has travelled to California, Florida, South Carolina and Michigan over the past two months.
5.       Enjoyed our first “picture day” at school.  This was a hoot…they took individual photos of both and a “siblings” shot.  The photos were beautiful…as well as hilarious! 
6.       Potty trained Crew.  A HUGE SUCCESS and couldn’t be more proud of my baby. 
7.       Experienced the first time I have honestly felt like a woman!  Funny, but while driving to work one day, both babies in tote, the feeling just came over me…I felt mature; I felt as if I arrived.