Friday, October 12, 2012

10 months of total attachment…literally!

I have almost made it to the 1 year mark breastfeeding my son.  I have successfully managed to make it this far ONLY with patience and real willpower.  From the moment I found out I was pregnant until now, I have been bound and determined to nurse Crew for at least a year.  It definitely hasn’t been the smoothest or straightest road or a road without potholes.  BUT, it has been and will continue to be one of the most rewarding experiences I have had as a new mother and one I have seriously become attached to. Looking down at my sweet baby, nursing him, is a memory that I will hold close to my heart forever. 

Over the past year I have loved sharing my stories and hearing stories from other moms about their experience with breastfeeding.  Not only does it help get through the rough spots; it’s a common bond you now have with that person.   Saying that…I thought I would share some of mine. 

Breastfeeding:  It’s a journey…ever changing….ever growing.  The first few weeks were rough; engorgement being my number #1 thorn. And then after I accepted that my life revolved around two hour increments; I got the hang of things.  By month two, breastfeeding was a breeze.  I could nurse on demand anywhere I was.  I could pop my cover over my head and feed or pacify my crying baby (#2 reason you should always stops the crying!).   You might laugh or relate to this…I sometimes giggled at myself..but I nursed everywhere.  Ball games, restaurants, in the car, shopping, while taking a walk, the list goes on.   By month six, breastfeeding was once again hard.  Trying to feed a curious, wiggle worm in public (still under a cover) is almost impossible.  Let’s just say that a handful of people got a peek!  Also by this time, Crew had 4 teeth and definitely knew how to use them:(  By month 9, breastfeeding became a true challenge. To get a successful nursing session out of Crew the following scenario must take place: low/dim lit room, no noise, no talking, no texting, no googling…you get my point.  I now try to pack in most of Crew’s feedings late night, early morning and this has been the trick!

Pumping:  One of the funnier activities I have done in my life (if you think about is funny…and funny looking) and as with breastfeeding, I have pumped everywhere!  Bathrooms, friend’s house, in my car…in my car while driving, alone, with company, and even on the beach!!  I might have been embarrassed in the beginning but as time wore on I began to view it as my second job.  Whether to relieve engorgement or supply Crew with milk for daycare, it was just something I had to do.   Ten months in, I am not “over” breastfeeding but I can now say I am “over” pumping. 

Pregnant and Nursing:  I figured I would throw this one in here since I’ve already had tons of comments…and a few critics.  I am still nursing and will still nurse until I can’t anymore.  According to my doctor there is no reason why I can’t continue.  My milk supply has gone down but not enough to affect Crew’s recommended intake.  Although it has become uncomfortable, with a growing belly and sore boobs, the negatives do not out way the positives. 

There are many rough patches.  It’s a personal choice, not for everyone.  It is one that I am lucky to have experienced.  You might finish reading this and think, man, that’s hard work or there’s no way it is worth it.  I say… there’s no other way I would do it!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the heads up, I will need it one day. I hope... lol
